Thinking Small: Little Steps Towards Achieving Great Things

John Cañero
4 min readAug 23, 2021

“Every small thing that we did was a small steppingstone…” — Michael Phelps (Olympian American swimmer)

Photo by Vlad Bagacian on Unsplash

Small Steps a Time

Imagine the turning point you have achieved the goal that you aspired. You look back on the trials and challenges you have faced, and you noticed that each obstacle or step that you have experienced signifies a lesson that would be a part of yourself and will be remembered.

This is essential in focusing on the long-term goal. Every small effort that you do and create as a habit is a part of improvement and growth.

When you consistently do the things that make you happy you are doing the right job. In the end, it would be fine and worth it.

Here is an example of the short true story of Leo Messi on facing obstacles that would make you stronger and strive to be better small steps at a time.

Photo by Fad3nHD on Youtube

Lionel Messi is considered being one of the greatest football players and athletes of all time. When he was young, he was diagnosed with a growth hormone disorder. A disorder that affected his growth.

During that time, he was so small, yet he could play wonders, beating other players and scoring so many goals on the field.

He was discovered in Argentina by a scout and Leo was brought to Spain and played there. Lionel Messi’s scout was astonished on his performance that he got a napkin and wrote as a technical director of FC Barcelona, that he was committed to signing Leo and be part of the FCB team.

Things had changed ever since.

Leo after being treated for his disorder, worked very hard each time in training and playing games to reach his goals and win championships.

As observed during his playing career, Leo is disciplined in the sport that he loves that every step or day he went into training, he put all his heart towards the craft he loves while together having fun with his teammates.

He strived together with his team and achieved numerous trophies in his FC Barcelona career and scoring goals that many of us would be shocked on the statistics because of his greatness.

The lesson of his story is that no matter the obstacle you have faced, if you have the potential to do something and show it to the world, make and create it step by step, and many opportunities will come to you.

Photo by Michael Lee on Unsplash

Studying Successes of Others

Every small win that makes you strive to do more because you have understood and know yourself that the craft you do makes you happy guides you to realize the reason and purpose why you are here in this world.

If we study successful people, a common trait that they show is they work hard and think of their small steps as a way towards improving better.

When they achieved something, they would soon move on that and focus on the present, working hard, and staying sane.

Although there might be differences from others on achieving something and after a while because of their ego became overconfident that could lead to jeopardizing their career.

It is hard to cope with that situation and could lead to regret in the end.

Regardless of any setbacks or obstacles on the path, it somehow does not stop us from doing something we love.

That is a remarkable trait of being a champion and a lifelong learner. Start building and showing!

Gratitude: It Always Starts with Day 1

Every time we celebrate wins, it is essential to remind ourselves how we started the journey. It always starts with Day 1.

To be thankful to those people who helped and worked with you. To those people who supported you along the way. The people who encourage you to do what you love. To God who guided you in getting more on what you want.

It starts just with a single step to moving forward that makes you happy. It is within us that we start what we want and achieve in life.

The ability to thank those people who helped you get what you want makes you embrace the importance of humility. As always, be grateful. It would give you wonders.

As always I want to share this quote:
“Never forget that you are the author of your life… Just pick up the damn pen and write something worthwhile.” @polina_marinova


BeSoccer. (2018). The man who discovered Messi reveals his first reaction to his talent.



John Cañero

Architecture student interested in investing, innovation, life and financial freedom.